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Monday, February 18, 2008

Kabul,I am Back

ISAF officer Maj. Boris Barschow donates text materials and stationeries to the students of Ustad Khalilullah Khalili. The donation is gained from the income of a book selling (Kabul, I am back) written in German and most other materials collected from the friends of him and other German soldiers' friends in Germany. This donation sent from Germany and distribute in coordination with French-ISAF soldiers (French helped in taking security around the school). Feb 16

ISAF-German troops stand guard inside the Ustad Khalilullah Khalili school.

ISAF-French troops droping the donation materials.

ISAF-French troop moving the donation materials

ISAF-French troop moving the donation materials

ISAF-French troop moving the donation materials

ISAF-French troop moving the donation materials

ISAF-French and german troops handing over the donation materials to dean of the School.

Afghan man moving the donation materials.

Maj. Boris Barschow expresses his feeling and German people sympathy with the Afghan people and talk about how he gained this donation, into an elementary classroom .

Maj. Boris Barschow distribute toys to a number of elementary classroom students.

Maj. Boris Barschow distribute toys to a number of elementary classroom students.

Children play with their toys.

Maj. Boris Barschow distribute magazine and note books to a number of elementary classroom students.

Maj. Boris Barschow stand with the kids.