Saturday, December 29, 2007
Hamid Karzai-Show his Condolence on Boutto Death
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Christmas in Afghanistan
How would be Christmas in Afghanistan do you think?
In Kabul flower seller shops get ready like other years for Christmas, bringing Christmas tree or Santa Claus and antiques for followers of Christianity.
Without doubt in Afghanistan here is no Afghan Christians neither church, but
After the fall of Taliban big number of foreigner Christians like ISAF and NATO troops those who serve in military and some civilians working in NGOs came to Afghanistan and every year in their offices, embassies, or at military camps celebrates from these days in Afghanistan.
I asked one of the shopkeepers who will buy these trees or Santa Clauses he replied, foreigners and some afghans, but Afghans buy for giving gift; he said; We imported these Christmas tress from neighboring country of China and this year we sold more than last year Christmas trees, flowers and other antiques, he added price of trees and other antiques has risen in compare to past years, it is because of high consumptions of people, for example last year one Christmas tree was afs 1200 equal ($USD 24 ),but this year we sell it afs 1800 to 2000 equal ($USD 36 to 40).
As most Christians make holiday five days before New Year from 25 to 1st day of New Year, most offices and NGOs are almost off, because of some foreigners gone their home country spending Christmas and New Year with their families.
I asked one of my foreign ISAF friends from United States of America who was in military about celebration of Christmas he said on day 6th with putting Christmas tree, lighting colorful lights and dressing red and white hat we celebrate from the first day of New Year. He added 20 years back we were celebrating one day for Christmas and one day for New Year, but after that time we celebrates for one week from Christmas day till first day of New Year.
Chistmas in Afghanistan photo Essay
A Santa doll decorates a Kabul shop. There are a large number of expatriates in Afghanistan, who celebrate Christmas, working for international companies and organizations.
Beggar passing from a Christmas tree, wondering what will be this tree for, Flower Street is a good place for beggars to earn money where mostly foreigners and wealthier people come for shopping.
Eid ul Azha
Eid ul Azha or Eid ul Qurban in Kabul Photo Essay:
Crowd of Kabul residences at center of the city, where hundreds of street vendors sell their goods in the blocked street by traffic.
Under ground pass vendors brought up perfumes, movie/music VCD and other home decorates for sell.
Advertisement posters of Afghan singers and movies shows near the pile of garbage in the Temor shai cinema area few days before Eid.
Kabul Muslims performing Eid prayers at Pul-i-Khishti mosque.
Batchers slighter the Qurbani cheep after performing the Eid prayers.
Afghan men gathered at a private house where all Bird fighters gather, every one brings their birds called Bodana for fighting either for pleasure or for money as well.
Cock fighter gathered at a park for cock fighting during the Eid days with hundreds of audiences.
Hundreds of audiences watching Cock fighting at a park in Kabul city.
Buzkashi is one of Afghans national sports, which Buzkashs held such kind of performance all over Afghanistan especially during the national holidays.